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What is the purpose of the TCS Band Foundation?


The Band Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides much of the labor that is needed to “get the show on the field”.  We also help to provide for the organization’s financial needs by staffing concessions and other fundraising events throughout the year.  The Band Foundation does not interfere with the band directors or the school administration in day to day activities.


The TCS Band Foundation is comprised of all parents of band members, including auxiliaries.  Relatives and friends are welcome to participate in Band Foundation activities. The TCS Band Foundation is a great way to stay connected with your children!


How is the organization run?


The TCS Band Foundation is led by an elected slate of parents who compose the executive board. The executive board elects the officers (President, one or more Vice Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer) that handle the day to day running of the Band Foundation. The executive board typically meets prior to the general meetings. Board meetings are open to any TCS Band Foundation member.  TO STAY CONNECTED, ATTEND OUR MEETINGS!



Follow us on social media:

HTMS Band on Facebook - Hewitt Trussville Middle School Band

HTHS Band on Facebook - Hewitt-Trussville High School Husky Band

HTMS Band on Instagram - @hewittband

HTHS Band on Instagram - @hthsband

HTHS Auxiliaries on Instagram - @hewittauxiliary



Who benefits from the profits of fundraisers?


Your student and the band program benefit from fundraising opportunities. The Band Foundation does not get "a cut" of the profits.



Ongoing Fundraising Events


The Hewitt Stadium concessions and the Trussville Marching Invitational (“TMI”) which is also held at our stadium, provide over half of the Band’s financial support and are the areas where we have the greatest need for volunteers. Everyone is required to work TMI (the next TMI will be held on Saturday, October 14. 2023), including students.




Individual Student Account Fundraising Credit


Certain fundraisers can qualify for individual student account credit that can be used toward the spring trip and certain band-related costs. These fundraising events vary from year to year and are at the discretion of the band directors. In the past, the Rockathon, Thanksgiving Meat Sale and others have qualified for individual account credit. The Band Foundation does not maintain or manage the monies that are earned from these fundraisers.


THESE CREDITS ARE MAINTAINED BY THE SCHOOL AND DO NOT CARRY OVER TO THE NEXT SCHOOL YEAR.  Any funds not used at the end of the school year will be absorbed into the general band account.



VOLUNTEERS. How can I help?


HEWITT STADIUM CONCESSIONS - The TCS Band Foundation operates the concession stands at Hewitt Husky Stadium for every home football game, including middle school (Thursdays), 9th grade and JV (Mondays) and HTHS Varsity (Fridays), certain spring track events and the annual Trussville Marching Invitational.





We schedule all volunteers through the SignUp Genius website. If you do not already have an account, please create one at


In addition to the Concessions events as mentioned above, here are some events we will need help with throughout the year. A signup request will be sent in the band's newsletter  in advance of the event, asking for help:


  • Annual Registration/Fitting Event 


  • Band Camp Lunches


  • Rock-a-Thon


  • Concessions Clean-Up Day ​


  • Chaperoning away games and marching competitions


  • Band Banquet 



All members of the HTHS Marching Husky Band (including auxiliaries) must have a parent/guardian or representative (16 years of age or older) volunteer for 3 fundraising events including one Friday night Varsity Football concessions event.


**If you have not worked or signed up to work these events, you will not be eligible to chaperone the spring trip**


© 2023

Husky Band


This is the official website of the Trussville City Schools Band & Band Foundation of Trussville City Schools in Trussville, AL. The opinions expressed on this website are not necessarily those of the TCS School Board, administration, faculty, or student body of

Trussville City Schools.

Find us: 

6450 Husky Parkway

Trussville, AL 35173


Mark Knauss- HTHS Director of Bands

AJ Adair - Associate Director of Bands

Shannon Moore - Associate Director of Bands

Brandon Peters - HTMS Director of Bands

Corinth Lewis - Associate Director of Bands



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