TMI 2024 Director Packet
Entry Fee:
A non-refundable fee of $100.00 postmarked by September 20th. Please notify us to expect your entry to aid our preparation. Communication will be done through email and the festival website information. Please refer to updates as they are posted.
Band Classification:
Based on number of playing members in the band, NOT including percussion.
Bands are allowed to enter above their classification, but not below.
CLASS A ( 1-40)
CLASS AA (41-70)
CLASS AAA (71-95)
CLASS AAAA (96 & above)
Performance Area:
Hewitt Trussville Husky Stadium. (Standard artificial turf football field clearly marked every five yards with high school hash marks.) Bands must enter, perform, and exit within the 20 minute performance time allowed. ALL show related materials must be removed at the conclusion of the performance.
1. The style of show, field entrance, and exit from the field are unrestricted.
2. Band Judging will be Olympic style, with the highest and lowest scores being dropped. The three remaining scores will be averaged for the final ratings.
3. Ratings and numerical scores will be given to each band, auxiliary group (minimum of 3 performers), percussion section, and Drum Majors.
4. Ratings will be given as follows:
I - Superior (85-100)
II - EXCELLENT (70-84.9)
III - GOOD (55-69.9)
IV - FAIR (54.9 & below)
5. Any band may enter for ratings or comments only.​​
Categories of Awards:
Trophies will be awarded to all bands, color guards, majorette squads, percussion sections, and dance teams which receive a Superior rating. Drum Majors will receive individual medals for a Superior rating. Feature Twirlers (one or two twirlers) will receive individual medals for a Superior rating.
Best in Class Awards
The placement awards will be based on the highest number of points. The three remaining band judges scores after high and low are dropped will be added together to determine each band’s placement. A best in class trophy will be awarded to the best band, color guard, drum major(s), majorette squad, percussion section, and dance line in each class. Feature Twirlers will not be eligible for the “Best In Class” award.
Grand Champion Awards
Grand Champion Award trophies will be awarded for Class A/AA and Class AAA/AAAA based on the highest overall score for all captions. The score is an average of 3 Band Scores, Overall Percussion, Overall Auxiliary, and Drum Major.
Spectator Admission & Parking:
Spectator Tickets can be purchased on site at the box office. Tickets are $10 (children 5 and under are free) - cash & card accepted. Spectator Parking is available, but limited, at the stadium. Spectator parking will be concentrated in front of the stadium, football field house, and at Hewitt-Trussville High School, just a short walk to the stadium. There is no charge for parking. We will have two shuttle buses running between the stadium and the high school parking lot throughout the day until 10pm. Handicap parking is available at the stadium.
We have a fantastic concessions stand that accepts both cash, card, and apple pay!​