Youth Orchestral Opportunities
Alabama Symphony Youth Orchestra

The official youth orchestra of the Alabama Symphony Orchestra is an ensemble dedicated to nurturing talent, building community, and empowering young lives in the state of Alabama. The group consists of 68 of the brightest young musicians from throughout the state of Alabama.
The ASYO is an ensemble committed to performing music at the highest level. It consists of the very best young musicians from around the state of Alabama who come together each Sunday to share their talents, aspirations, and successes. In order to achieve our level of performance, each member commits to always bringing their best to rehearsals and performances, and we believe that each one of our members is capable of meeting these high expectations.
Birmingham Youth Wind Symphony

The Birmingham Youth Wind Symphony (BYWS) was created for students who wish to perform in an ensemble beyond the normal school day.
The Birmingham Youth Wind Symphony membership is chosen through an audition process near the beginning of the academic school year. The ensemble is composed of woodwind, brass, and percussion performers from the public, private, parochial and home schools in the metropolitan Birmingham area. All members must be actively involved in their school music program to participate in the Birmingham Youth Wind Symphony.
BYWS ensembles students to perform a variety of repertoire ranging from traditional (transcriptions, marches and works of serious and artistic merit) to cutting-edge contemporary composition and music from popular media venues.
The Birmingham Youth Wind Symphony operates in cooperation with the University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Music. Through this relationship performers will have access to esteemed conductors, educators, composers, soloists and ensembles - providing an opportunity to experience music in a unique, rewarding, and collaborative environment.